please refer to mrs. dornan's website. I had a great time with you in february! I'll be in at least twice a week to see your progress. I'm excited for you to bridge to middle school!
friday, february 27, 20151. Word Study
*Grammar Quiz *Use a Post It note to mark ONE of the Watsons Cornell notes FROM THIS WEEK that you would like us to assess. *Use a Post It note to mark ONE of the Picture of the Day Inference paragraphs FROM THIS WEEK that you would like us to assess. 2. Readers Workshop *Picture of the Day *Review the notes you took yesterday on Expository Text Features *We'll apply what we know so far about annotating expository text by reading about...Chicken Nuggets! 3. Writers Workshop *Complete your two tasks from the February Bingo Sheet *Write a letter to Mrs. Dornan and Ms. Gunter about how you feel you are progressing in your reading, writing, stamina, and time management. Include what goal(s) you have for next trimester. (We'll model how to do the letter and how you use the rubrics to help you write this letter.) |
weekly homeworkDue next Monday, March 2: Have a "just right" independent reading book for Reader's Workshop in March. May be purchased or borrowed from public or school library. Suggestion: Get a few to see what you like. |
thursday, february 26, 2015
agenda1. Word Study
*Complete Weekly Grammar Day 4 *Study the Weekly Grammars for Weeks 1-4 for tomorrow's quiz 2. Readers Workshop *Picture of the Day *Watch this presentation and take notes on your foldable. I have provided a picture, so you can see what the title of the notes should be and what the first box will be like. You will finish it up. When everyone is finished, we will go over as a class. 3. Writers Workshop *Dollar Bill Gallery Walk *Finish 2 prompts from the February Bingo Writer's Workshop Sheet *Teacher Time: Writing about literature (demo and guided practice) Click to set custom HTML
weekly homeworkDue Friday: Quiz on Weekly Grammar Material (Weeks 1-4); finish AT LEAST 2 prompts from the February Bingo Writer's Workshop Sheet
I COULDN'T POST PICS OF TODAY'S WORK OR THE WEEKLY GRAMMAR BECAUSE I LEFT THEM IN THE CLASSROOM. :( Due next Monday, March 2: Have a "just right" independent reading book for Reader's Workshop in March. May be purchased or borrowed from public or school library. Suggestion: Get a few to see what you like. |
wednesday, february 25, 2015
agenda1. Ch. 12 and 13 Quiz
2. Word Study *Weekly Grammar Day 3 *Pick ONE word from Ch. 12 and 13 that you think is a good, strong word and do the vocabulary word flip chart and put in notebook 3. Readers Workshop *Picture of the Day (Inference Skills) 4. Writers Workshop *Choose AT LEAST TWO items from the February Writing Menu to add to your notebook--this is part of Writer's Workshop *Teacher Time: Adding dialogue to make your Dollar Bill story AWESOME! |
weekly homeworkDue Thursday: Dollar bill story for Gallery Walk! Include artwork of your choice to go with the writing.
Due Friday: Quiz on Weekly Grammar Material (Weeks 1-4) Due next Monday, March 2: Have a "just right" independent reading book for Reader's Workshop in March |
tuesday, february 24, 2015
monday, february 23, 2015
agenda1. Word Study: Grammar of the Month #4 and Weekly Grammar Week 4, Day 1
2. Readers Workshop:
weekly homeworkDue Tuesday: Read and notes on Ch. 12 (use Cornell notes format we did in class and get info about setting, characters, and complications). See pic below.
Due Wednesday: Read and notes Ch. 13 and Ch. 12 and 13 quiz Due Thursday: Dollar bill story for Gallery Walk! Include artwork of your choice to go with the writing. Due Friday: Quiz on Weekly Grammar Material (Weeks 1-4) Due next Monday, March 2: Have a "just right" independent reading book for Reader's Workshop in March |
friday, february 20, 2015
agenda1. Ch. 9-11 Quiz
2. Weekly Grammar Week 3, Days 3 and 4 3. Reader's Workshop
weekly homeworkHave a great weekend! Thanks for letting us spend time with your notebooks this weekend. We'll return them on Monday and Gradelink will be updated by then, too.
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thursday, february 19, 2015
weekly homeworkDue Friday: Ch. 11 Notes and Quiz on Ch. 9-11; bring AT LEAST one seed
wednesday, february 18, 2015
agenda1. Set up for your Ch. 9 Reading Quiz
2. February Grammar Practice and Weekly Grammar Week 3, Day 1 3. Writer's Workshop
4. Reader's Workshop
weekly homeworkDue Thursday: Ch. 10 Notes and Reading Quiz; fix up your notebooks
Due Friday: Ch. 11 Notes and Quiz on Ch. 9-11 |
tuesday, february 17, 2015
agenda1. Do Now: February Grammar Practice
2. Reader's Workshop:
weekly homeworkDue Wednesday: Ch. 9 Notes and Reading Quiz
Due Thursday: Ch. 10 Notes and Reading Quiz Due Friday: Ch. 11 Notes and Quiz on Ch. 9-11 |
thursday, february 12, 2015
agenda1. Ch. 7 and 8 Quiz
2. Do Now: Grammar Day 3 3. Reader's Workshop:
4. Writer's Workshop:
weekly homeworkThursday due Friday:
wednesday, february 11, 2015
agenda1. Reading check quiz on Ch. 8
2. Do Now: Grammar Day 2 3. Space Race! It's a game on Socrative with TEAMS. You'll get the code in class and be able to play. You won't know what team you're on until the game is over. The game will be about the Vocabulary #11-20. 3. Reader's Workshop:
weekly homeworkTuesday due Wednesday:
Wednesday due Thursday:
Thursday due Friday:
tuesday, february 10, 2015
agenda |
weekly homeworkTuesday due Wednesday:
Wednesday due Thursday: Ch. 7 and 8 quiz. Thursday due Friday: Valentine for a character in Watsons (instructions given on Wed.) |
monday, february 9, 2015
agenda1. Do Now: February Grammar (10 minutes)
2. Reader's Workshop: Read Ch. 7 and do notes 3. Independent Work:
weekly homeworkMonday due Tuesday:
Complete front and back of Vocabulary for #11-20 Cell phone for character Tuesday due Wednesday: Read and do notes for Ch. 8 of Watsons Bring in a hand-drawn, digital, or print (magazine, etc.) image that represents family Wednesday due Thursday: Ch. 7 and 8 quiz Thursday due Friday: Valentine for a character in Watsons (instructions given on Wed.) |
friday, february 6, 2015
agenda1. Do Now: Ch. 6 Reading Check Quiz
2. Grammar Practice Day 4 3. Figurative Language Practice Ch. 1-2 (handout)--may work in pairs 4. Quickwrite #2 5. Vocabulary for Words 11-20 |
weekly homeworkHave a great weekend! Thank you for your work this week! No homework this weekend. Here's a preview for next week to help you plan.
Monday due Tuesday: Complete front and back of Vocabulary for #11-20 Tuesday due Wednesday: Read and do notes for Ch. 8 of Watsons Wednesday due Thursday: will be updated on Monday, February 9 Thursday due Friday: will be updated on Monday, February 9 |
thursday, february 5, 2015
agenda |
weekly homework |
1. Do Now: Grammar Practice Day 3
2. Literary Terms Quiz (need a blue or black pen) 3. Read Ch. 6 and do interactive notes for Ch. 6 4. Cell Phone Assignment (due next Wednesday--will have class time to work on it tomorrow and next week) 7. Sharing our super effective and creative way to teach your vocabulary word! Yay! We'll use the Circle Protocol to do this. 8. Organize your spiral notebook so it's ready to turn in on Friday. |
Thursday due Friday:
wednesday, february 4, 2015
agenda |
weekly homework |
1. Do Now: Grammar Practice Day 2
2. Reader's Workshop: Historical Context (African Americans in the South in the 1960s) *Review features of expository/informative text *How to annotate informative text *Annotate the text 3. Writer's Workshop: Quick Write #1 4. Reader's Workshop: Review and annotate Ch. 4 and 5 |
Quiz on Literary Terms Thurs.
Quiz on Ch. . 6 of Watsons on Friday Wednesday due Thursday: Study for literary terms quiz. Remember that it's the narrative terms and the figurative language terms. You can practice on Kahoot. Pick a vocabulary word from your list and find an EFFECTIVE and CREATIVE way to teach it to someone in this class. We will share tomorrow. It should be an activity that takes no more than 1 minute to share. Study for literary terms quiz. Some suggestions your friends had include:
Thursday due Friday: Study for quiz on Ch. 6. Make sure notebook/spiral is up to date and all the handouts are inside. Work will be assessed this weekend. |
tuesday, february 3, 2015
agenda |
weekly homework |
1. Do Now: Grammar Practice Day 1
2. Figurative Language Notes (will be included in literary terms quiz)\
4. Watsons: Preconceived ideas: Before Reading ONLY 5. Vocabulary for Watsons Ch. 1-6: (handouts)
Quiz on Literary Terms Thurs.
Quiz on Ch. 1-6 of Watsons on Friday Tuesday due Wednesday: Study for literary terms quiz. Use your NOTES. May also use Monday's Quizlet and Tuesday's Kahoot. Try this link to practice. Finish first 10 vocabulary words for Ch. 1-6 (front and back) Wednesday due Thursday: Finish 11-20 vocabulary words for Ch. 1-6. Study for Literary Terms quiz on Thursday. Thursday due Friday: Quiz on Ch. 1-6 of Watsons |
monday, february 2, 2015
agenda |
Quizlet |
learning objectives |
1. Do Now February Grammar
2. Reader's Workshop: Reading Informative Text (Author Biography) *Review features of expository/informative text *How to annotate informative text *Annotate the text 3. Reader's Workshop: Reading Literary Text and taking interactive notes for Ch. 2-3. |
Quiz on Literary Terms Wed.
Quiz on Ch. 1-6 of Watsons on Friday Monday due Tuesday: Review Ch. 2 and 3 and notes Ch. 2 and 3. Study literary terms for Wednesday's quiz. Use this Quizlet on the right to review. Tuesday due Wednesday: Study for literary terms quiz Finish first 10 vocabulary words for Ch. 1-6 Wednesday due Thursday: Finish 11-20 vocabulary words for Ch. 1-6. Study Thursday due Friday: Quiz on Ch. 1-6 of Watsons |
Thursday-friday, January 29-january 30, 2015
agenda1. Setting up our English language arts spirals. This is where we will keep all our notes and handouts. We are learning organizational skills! Yay!
2. Reading: Review Literary Terms
4. Speaking and Listening: Turn and talk protocol to practice speaking and listening skills 5. Writing: Expository writing
learning objectives