trimester 2 assignments
friday, february 27, 2015
agenda1. Ch. 20-22 Quiz
2. Writers Workshop *Officer Report for Lamb for the Slaughter (due next Wednesday--time in class to work) 3. Readers Workshop *Gallery Walk the poetry tests *The poem we were supposed to read yesterday *Read Ch. 23 and questions |
weekly homework*Read Ch. 23
*If you want a fresh start to third trimester, you may want to get a new notebook. BTW, Target has slim pickings right now. I only found two at the one near my house. |
thursday, february 26, 2015
agenda1. Thoughtful Thursday: Caleb's Prompts!
2. Word Study *Vocab Choice Board 3. Readers Workshop *Comment on at least 2 people's blog posts *More poetry (continue to guess the theme) *Don't forget there is a quiz tomorrow through Ch. 22 4. Writers Workshop *Work on your narrative *If you're done, write from a seed or one of your lists or make a new list *Try your hand at some poetry perhaps |
weekly homeworkDue Friday: Read and questions through Ch. 22 (that's one chapter per night)--an interesting quiz
Due Friday: Word Study (See Tuesday if you forgot what this was) |
wednesday, february 25, 2015
agenda1. Word Study
2. Readers Workshop Poetry (guess the theme) 3. Writers Workshop: Minilesson: Dialogue Write your narrative or blog post 4. Independent Work: Finish your stuff, yo! (Word Study, chapter questions) |
weekly homeworkDue Thursday: Blog post about something you've learned this week
Due Friday: Read and questions through Ch. 23 (that's one chapter per night)--an interesting quiz Due Friday: A narrative (personal or fictional); Word Study (See Tuesday if you forgot what this was) |
tuesday, february 24, 2015
agenda1. Intro to What's the Word (Word Study)
2. Readers Workshop: Fishbowl Poetry (going along with this week's theme) Read and questions through Ch. 23 3. Writers Workshop: Minilesson: Dialogue Write your narrative or blog post |
weekly homeworkDue Thursday: Blog post
Due Friday: Read and questions through Ch. 23 (that's one chapter per night)--an interesting quiz Due Friday: A narrative (personal or fictional) |
Monday, february 23, 2015
agenda1. MUGS Monday
2. Short Story: "Lamb to the Slaughter" by Roald Dahl (See if you can guess this week's theme.) 3. Journal Prompt for Ch. 19-22 4. Writer's Workshop: Write a personal narrative of your choice due Friday OR a fictional narrative that incorporates the techniques of narrative (good use of dialogue, "show not tell" description, imagery, figurative language, and strong action verbs to propel the action forward) |
weekly homeworkDue Tuesday: Get ready for Fishbowl. Popsicle sticks will decide who gets in what discussion.
Q1: Why is this story called "Lamb to the Slaughter"? Q2: Why is Patrick leaving Mary? What did he say that shocked her so? Q3: Why did Mary react the way she did to Patrick's words? Q4: Was Mary's crime premeditated (i.e. she knew what she was going to do with that leg of lamb) or a crime of passion (i.e. she "just reacted")? Q5: Agree or disagree. Mary was justified in reacting the way she did to Patrick's news. Due Thursday: Blog post Due Friday: Read and questions through Ch. 23 (that's one chapter per night)--an interesting quiz Due Friday: A narrative (personal or fictional) *Thoughtful Thursday is Caleb! |
friday, february 20, 2015
agenda1. TKAM Quiz
2. Tom Robinson Prompt Response in your journal (3/4 page to 1 page): Predict the outcome of the trial. Why will the jury vote that way? How will the decision impact the town? The characters? OR If you already passed this part of the book and know the decision, do you think Harper Lee made the right decision to have the jury decide what it did? Why/why not? 2. Comment on two folks' blog posts. You may choose this week or last week. Let's appreciate each other, friends! 3. Watch this Ted Talk and take Cornell notes. Then, write an expository piece in your journal that summarizes the talk and includes your thoughts about the talk. Consider connecting what he said with things you've read or watched, that you've experienced, that you know about the world. Consider answering his question at the end of his talk. Consider responding to any of his ideas: Do you agree or disagree and why? Is there something he said that caused an emotional response? Why? 4. Finish up this week's work: Courtroom reporter and journal prompt |
thursday, february 19, 2015
agenda1. Annoate-the-heck-out-of-this-poem Quiz (annotate and write a one page analysis on what this poem means...a.k.a. theme of the poem)
2. Bianca's thoughtful Thursday writing prompts. Here are your choices! 3. Read some of Ch. 19 (yeah, quiz will be tomorrow) 4. Writer's Workshop! Use it wisely, friends! |
weekly homeworkDue Friday: BOTH writing pieces; Ch. 17-19 quiz
wednesday, february 18, 2015
agenda1. Poetry Terms Quiz
2. Annotate "My Papa's Waltz" (glue or tape into journal)--practice for tomorrow 3. Read Ch. 19 4. Courtroom Reporter and Ch. 16-18 Journal Prompt |
weekly homeworkDue Thursday: Quiz on Ch. 17-19 of TKAM
Due Friday: BOTH writing pieces |
tuesday, february 17, 2015
agenda1. Do Now: MUGS, Tuesday
2. Poetry: "O Captain! My Captain!" and "Elegy for J.F.K." 3. Read TKAM (Ch. 19) 3. Writer's Workshop: There are TWO pieces due this week. You'll have Workshop time Tuesday through Thursday. It is also homework (at least 30 minutes per night).
weekly homeworkDue Wednesday: Poetry Quiz (know all the terms); here's a practice poem
My Papa's Waltz by Theodore Roethke The whiskey on your breath Could make a small boy dizzy; But I hung on like death: Such waltzing was not easy. We romped until the pans Slid from the kitchen shelf; My mother's countenance Could not unfrown itself. The hand that held my wrist Was battered on one knuckle; At every step you missed My right ear scraped a buckle. You beat time on my head With a palm caked hard by dirt, Then waltzed me off to bed Still clinging to your shirt. Due Thursday: Quiz on Ch. 17-19 of TKAM Due Friday: BOTH writing pieces |
friday, february 13, 2015
agenda1. Do Now: Set up for Gallery Walk of your Character POV diary piece
2. Comment on at least two people's entries (your choice) 2. Read Ch. 19 (Tom's testimony) |
weekly homeworkHave a good weekend!
thursday, february 12, 2015
agenda |
weekly homeworkThursday due Friday:
wednesday, february 11, 2015
agenda1. Wacky Wednesday: Watch this video "The Art of the Metaphor"
2. TKAM: A Day in the Life of the Working Poor (pair work) 3. Ch. 15 nonfiction assessment (individual or pair work) 4. Comment on two people's blogs (individual work) 5. Writer's Workshop: Your choice
weekly homeworkWednesday due Thursday:
Thursday due Friday:
tuesday, february 10, 2015
agenda1. Ch. 16 Quiz
2. Annotate this poem William Stafford's "Fifteen" 3. Gallery Walk the cell phone 4. Read and notes (the testimony facts handout) for Ch. 17 |
weekly homeworkMonday due Tuesday:
Tuesday due Wednesday:
Wednesday due Thursday:
Thursday due Friday:
monday, february 9, 2015
agenda1. Mass today! Yay!
2. MUGS Monday 3. Reader's Workshop
4. Writer's Workshop
weekly homeworkMonday due Tuesday:
Tuesday due Wednesday:
Wednesday due Thursday:
Thursday due Friday:
friday, february 6, 2015
agenda1. Do Now: Listen to today's Story Corps
2. Ch. 15 Quiz 3. Journal Prompt: Mob Mentality 4. Comment on TWO people's blogs 5. Independent Work--Here are your options:
weekly homeworkHave a good weekend.
thursday, february 5, 2015
agenda1. Ch. 13 and 14 Quiz
2. Do after quiz: Thoughtful Thursday (Aidan's prompts) Choose ONE. 3. Group Poems: Must finish today 4. Character Cell Phone 4. Go over Ground Swell 5. Writing: Choose ONE Write from the perspective of Calpurnia the events of Ch. 12 and 13. Use diction that shows you understand her character as well as the events in Ch. 12 and 13. Write from the perspective of Atticus, Aunt Alexandra, or Jem about the events in Ch. 13 and 14. |
weekly homeworkThursday due Friday: Read Ch. 15 and discussion questions. Annotation page assessment. You've had practice doing these twice now. You will be assessed on your ability to do close reading--questions, comments, your notice of figurative language, sensory imagery, etc. You will receive a page from Ch. 15.
**Blog Post due Friday |
february 4, 2015
agenda1. Do Now: Watch this and take Cornell notes. These will be assessed on thoroughness and your ability to organize them (questions/subtitles on the left and notes on the right).
2. Resume your center work from yesterday. Focus on gettin' it done! 3. Finish your group poem. Email to me, so I can print it out in COLOR. Ooooooh! 4. Read Ch. 14 |
weekly homeworkWednesday due Thursday: Read Ch. 14 and discussion questions
**Blog Post due Friday Thursday due Friday: Read Ch. 15 and discussion questions. Annotation page assessment. You've had practice doing these twice now. You will be assessed on your ability to do close reading--questions, comments, your notice of figurative language, sensory imagery, etc. You will receive a page from Ch. 15. **Blog Post due Friday |
tuesday, february 3, 2015
agenda1. Ch. 12 Check Yourself Quiz
2. Do Now: Cornell notes for this expository piece followed by your summary, including thoughts and feelings that connect with your own life AND with TKAM. If you finish before time is up, get a head start on homework. 3. Centers: (15 min. each) Group 1: Quote Characterization (inference practice handout) Group 2: No Red Ink (First one: introductory clause commas and second one, transition words/phrases and snooty old man) Group 3: Non-fiction reading (FDR): Handout w/directions Watch/listen to speech here or here. Group 4: Journal Prompt (handout) Group 5: Annotate "Ground Swell" (poem on back of the poetry terms practice handout from last week) |
weekly homeworkMonday due Tuesday: Read Ch. 12 and discussion questions. Comment on TWO people's blog posts from Friday (one will be assigned to you and the other is your choice).
**Blog Post due Friday Tuesday due Wednesday: Read Ch. 13 and discussion questions **Blog Post due Friday Wednesday due Thursday: Read Ch. 14 and discussion questions **Blog Post due Friday Thursday due Friday: Read Ch. 15 and discussion questions. Annotation page assessment. You've had practice doing these twice now. You will be assessed on your ability to do close reading--questions, comments, your notice of figurative language, sensory imagery, etc. You will receive a page from Ch. 15. **Blog Post due Friday |
monday, february 2, 2015
agenda1. Do Now: MUGS Monday
2. Dare we try the Benchmarks again? Sigh. 3. Writer's Workshop: Group Poem 4. Reader's Workshop: "Let America Be America Again" by Langston Hughes (annotation and discussion questions) |
weekly homeworkMonday due Tuesday: Read Ch. 12 and discussion questions. Comment on TWO people's blog posts from Friday (one will be assigned to you and the other is your choice).
**Blog Post due Friday Tuesday due Wednesday: Read Ch. 13 and discussion questions **Blog Post due Friday Wednesday due Thursday: Read Ch. 14 and discussion questions **Blog Post due Friday Thursday due Friday: Read Ch. 15 and discussion questions. Annotation page assessment. You've had practice doing these twice now. You will be assessed on your ability to do close reading--questions, comments, your notice of figurative language, sensory imagery, etc. You will receive a page from Ch. 15. **Blog Post due Friday |
friday, january 30, 2015
agenda |
weekly homework |
thursday, january 29, 2015
agenda |
weekly homework |
1. Do Now: Benchmark Test (Should be working!)
2. Do After: Thoughtful Thursday--Jack's Prompt! a) If you could marry a one direction member who would it be b) Alien spaceships stop in earth's atmosphere. The people of earth are terrified but receive a transmission from the ships, "Help Us" tell the story. 3. Reader's Workshop:
Thursday due Friday: Blog post; Part I Test on Ch. 1-11 of TKAM multiple choice and Part II Essay Test (essay questions posted by 3 p.m. today!). After turning in multiple choice test, you can use your digital or hard copy book for quotes for your in-class essay.
Update: In addition to multiple choice and matching, the test will have short answer questions (3-5 sentences). No essay since I did not post. (Didn't have my charger. Had to buy one for home, so I could post among other things. Did not get home until late.) |
wednesday, january 28, 2015
agenda |
weekly homework |
1. Do Now: Wacky Wednesday. Watch together and do Cornell notes
2. Benchmark Test 3. Independent Work:
5. Gallery Walk ("Oranges" assignment) |
Tuesday due Wednesday: "Oranges" Setting Assignment (we'll gallery walk this on Wednesday). Make sure you've read Ch. 1-11 by Friday for test.
**Blog Post (see my blog) so you can see what you need to do:
Nothing due Wednesday because we have an Archdiocesan Reading Benchmarks Test Wednesday due Friday: Blog post, test on Friday Thursday due Friday: Blog post; Test on Ch. 1-11 of TKAM (multiple choice and short answer paragraphs) |
tuesday, january 27, 2015
agenda |
weekly homework |
1. Do Now: MUGS Tuesday? Yes.
2. Reader's Workshop: Poem analysis: "Oranges". Follow the sheet "How to Analyze a Poem" as well as the poster. Also, highlight a set of lines that stand out to you and briefly summarize why you chose those lines. 3. Making meaning: Save the Last Word |
Tuesday due Wednesday: "Oranges" Setting Assignment (we'll gallery walk this on Wednesday). Make sure you've read Ch. 1-11 by Friday for test.
**Blog Post (see my blog) so you can see what you need to do:
Nothing due Wednesday because we have an Archdiocesan Reading Benchmarks Test Wednesday due Friday: Blog post, test on Friday Thursday due Friday: Blog post; Test on Ch. 1-11 of TKAM (multiple choice and short answer paragraphs) |
monday, january 26, 2015
agenda |
weekly homework |
We celebrated the first day of Catholic Schools Week with Mass with the 6th and 7th graders and the parishioners. Then, the 8th graders invited the parishioners to a breakfast, which they hosted along with the room parents. So, yeah, we missed class, but look what we gained! Well done, everyone!
Monday due Tuesday: Read Ch. 10 and 11. Do Chapter 10 Questions. (You don't have Ch. 11 yet).
Tuesday due Thursday: Literary Analysis Essay (final draft); Prepare for Fishbowl (questions given on Tuesday) **Blog Post (see guidelines here) due for Friday's class Nothing due Wednesday because we have an Archdiocesan Reading Benchmarks Test Thursday due Friday: Blog post; Test on Ch. 1-11 of TKAM (multiple choice and short answer paragraphs) |
friday, january 23, 2015
agenda1. Do Now: Close reading of a Ch. 9 page (annotate it!) (10 minutes)
2. Writer's Workshop: Clean up your literary analysis paper. Good time to do peer conferencing. (15 minutes) 3. Writer's Workshop: Write a paragraph about the process of writing a literary analysis paper. What are your strengths? Areas of improvement? How is this similar/different to writing narratives? Do you enjoy writing these? Why/why not? What does writing these train your mind to do? What skills are you practicing by writing literary analysis papers? (15 minutes) 3. Independent Work: (30 minutes)
weekly homeworkTry to find some time to rest because you have a busy weekend ahead of you.
thursday, january 22, 2015
agenda1. Do Now: Thoughtful Thursday. Read through yesterday's notes on the "Locked-In Man." Write a 3/4 page to 1 page literary piece about yesterday's nonfiction audio story.
2. Reader's Workshop: Poetry Review. See this presentation and fill in notes. Put the notes in your journal/notebook. 3. Independent Work: character poster, "Secret Heart" analysis, Discussion Questions Ch. 7 and 8, organize your journal/notebook, poetry review notes 4. Writer's Workshop: Literary Analysis Essay 5. Reader's Workshop: Finish reading Ch. 9 (focus on Finch family) |
weekly homeworkTuesday due Wednesday: Read Ch. 7 and 8. Finish Center Work (except Characterization Poster, which we'll work on in class this week). Some owe me final drafts of personal narrative.
**Tuesday due Friday: Pick a prompt and write a literary analysis essay. Turn in hard copy and email to me on Friday (for Open House). Wednesday due Thursday: Discussion Questions for Ch. 7 and 8 |
wednesday, january 21, 2015
agenda |
weekly homework |
1. Wacky Wednesday: Story time (Cornell notes and writing)
2. Writer's Workshop: Literary Analysis Essay 3. Reader's Workshop: TKAM |
Tuesday due Wednesday: Read Ch. 7 and 8. Finish Center Work (except Characterization Poster, which we'll work on in class this week). Some owe me final drafts of personal narrative.
**Tuesday due Friday: Pick a prompt and write a literary analysis essay. Turn in hard copy and email to me on Friday (for Open House). Wednesday due Thursday: Discussion Questions for Ch. 7 and 8 |
Tuesday, january 20, 2015
agenda |
weekly homework |
1. Do Now: MUGS Monday
2. Finish Friday Centers 3. Writer's Workshop: Final draft of your personal narrative, print in Grade7, and email to me as a document. MUST BE DONE BEFORE CLASS IS FINISHED. 4. Independent Work: Read and discussion questions for Ch. 7, finish center work, or work on literary analysis prompt |
Tuesday due Wednesday: Read Ch. 7 and 8. Finish Center Work (except Characterization Poster, which we'll work on in class this week). Some owe me final drafts of personal narrative.
**Tuesday due Friday: Pick a prompt and write a literary analysis essay. Turn in hard copy and email to me on Friday (for Open House). Wednesday due Thursday: Discussion Questions for Ch. 7 and 8 |
friday, january 16, 2015
agenda1. Fantastic Friday: Invisibilia
2. Centers a) Discussion of Ch. 5 Questions b) No Red Ink c) Write an analysis of "The Secret Heart" d) Comment on PLP's (your assigned person and AT LEAST one other person) e) Discussion of Ch. 6 Questions and Do Them! f) Characterization |
weekly homeworkEnjoy the three day weekend!
thursday, january 15, 2015
agenda |
weekly homework |
1. Do Now: Thoughtful Thursday (Charlisse's writing prompt)
2. Gallery Walk: Personal Narratives 3. Ch. 5 Quizzler and Read Ch. 6 4.Discuss Ch. 5 Discussion Questions. At the end, do a four corners that answers: Summarize the MOST important ideas from Ch. 5. CLICK HERE FOR SOME CURRENT EVENTS SITES! |
Monday due Tuesday: Apply the Write Like a Pro techniques as you revise your drafts; We will do peer feedback tomorrow of personal narrative drafts
Tuesday due Wednesday: Final draft of personal narrative for Thursday Gallery Walk!; Finish Write Like a Pro Techniques page (front and back); Ch. 4 discussion questions Wednesday due Thursday: Final draft of personal narrative for Thursday Gallery Walk; Ch. 5 discussion questions Thursday due Friday: On your PLP, write a reflective piece about a person (fictional or real from history, current events, etc.) who is a peacemaker as described in Wednesday's Gospel. |
wednesday, january 14, 2015
agenda1. Do Now: Poem Annotation Practice
2. Writer's Workshop: Finish peer conference and do revisions |
weekly homeworkMonday due Tuesday: Apply the Write Like a Pro techniques as you revise your drafts; We will do peer feedback tomorrow of personal narrative drafts
Tuesday due Wednesday: Final draft of personal narrative for Thursday Gallery Walk!; Finish Write Like a Pro Techniques page (front and back); Ch. 4 discussion questions Wednesday due Thursday: Final draft of personal narrative for Thursday Gallery Walk; Ch. 5 discussion questions Thursday due Friday: On your PLP, write a reflective piece about a person (fictional or real from history, current events, etc.) who is a peacemaker as described in Wednesday's Gospel. |
tuesday, january 13, 2015
agenda |
weekly homework |
1. Do Now: Lit term Tuesday
2. Finish Ch. 4 and...a Quizzler! 3. Writer's Workshop: Spot the 6 Write Like a Pro techniques in a student draft. Then, pair off and do some peer feedback (only for those folks who are finished). 4. Reader's Workshop: Read Ch. 5 and do discussion questions for Ch. 4 and 5 |
Monday due Tuesday: Apply the Write Like a Pro techniques as you revise your drafts; We will do peer feedback tomorrow of personal narrative drafts
Tuesday due Wednesday: Final draft of personal narrative for Thursday Gallery Walk!; Finish Write Like a Pro Techniques page (front and back); Ch. 4 discussion questions Wednesday due Thursday: Final draft of personal narrative for Thursday Gallery Walk; Ch. 5 discussion questions Thursday due Friday: Villain Diary Entry complete draft for gallery walk; Ch. 6 discussion questions |
monday, january 12, 2015
agenda1. Do Now: MUG Monday #2
2. Writer's Workshop: Go through this presentation and do the Write Like a Pro Handout. 3. Ch. 3 Quizzler TKAM 4. Close Reading practice of a page from Ch. 2 TKAM 5. Read Ch. 4 |
weekly homeworkMonday due Tuesday: Apply the Write Like a Pro techniques as you revise your drafts; We will do peer feedback tomorrow of personal narrative drafts
Tuesday due Wednesday: Final draft of personal narrative; Ch. 4 and 5 discussion questions and finish Wednesday due Thursday: Ch. 5 and 6 discussion questions; Villain Diary Entry complete draft Thursday due Friday: Ch. 7 discussion questions and final draft Villain Diary Entry A completed draft of your personal narrative, which you should be revising using the daily writing tips, is due on Tuesday, January 13th. Final draft printed AND electronically submitted due Thursday, January 15th. |
friday, january 9, 2015
agenda |
weekly homework |
thursday, january 8, 2015
agenda |
weekly homework |
Thursday due Friday:
A completed draft of your personal narrative, which you should be revising using the daily writing tips, is due on Tuesday, January 13th. Final draft printed AND electronically submitted due Thursday, January 15th. |
wednesday, January 7, 2015
agenda |
weekly homework |
1. No Do Now today. Get out your Cornell notes for the TKAM Intro.
2. Ch. 1 TKAM
3. Writer's Workshop
4. Show Not Tell exercise (Must be finished by tomorrow, since we're doing a small group activity with these.) |
Need To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee by Wednesday
Monday due Tuesday:
Tuesday due Wednesday:
Wednesday due Thursday:
Thursday due Friday:
A completed draft of your personal narrative, which you should be revising using the daily writing tips, is due on Tuesday, January 13th. Final draft printed AND electronically submitted due Thursday, January 15th. |
tuesday, january 6, 2015
agenda |
weekly homework |
1. Do Now: Lit Term Tuesday
2. Reader's Workshop Part I Unreliable Narrator (Cornell notes) 3. Writer's Workshop Part I
4. Writer's Workshop Part II
Need To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee by Wednesday
Monday due Tuesday:
Tuesday due Wednesday:
Wednesday due Thursday:
Thursday due Friday:
A completed draft of your personal narrative, which you should be revising using the daily writing tips, is due on Tuesday, January 13th. Final draft printed AND electronically submitted due Thursday, January 15th. |
Monday, january 5, 2015
agenda1. Do Now: Monday M.U.G.
2. Writer's Workshop Part I
weekly homeworkNeed To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee by Wednesday
Monday due Tuesday:
Tuesday due Wednesday:
Wednesday due Thursday:
Thursday due Friday:
A completed draft of your personal narrative, which you should be revising using the daily writing tips, is due on Tuesday, January 13th. Final draft printed AND electronically submitted due Thursday, January 15th. |
friday, december 19, 2014
agenda |
weekly homework |
tuesday, december 16, 2014
agenda |
weekly homework |
1. Do Now
2. Finish work from yesterday 3. Writing seed stories--prewrite *prewrite possible seed stories *discuss options with partner & get feedback *pick one possible seed and enter prewrite process |
**DO CLEAN UP YOUR NOTEBOOK AND READY IT FOR TURN-IN ON FRIDAY (OR BEFORE YOU LEAVE FOR BREAK!)--I ONLY NEED THE SECOND TRIMESTER STUFF. READING SCHEDULE PART 3 READ AND DOUBLE ENTRY JOURNAL Ch. 24-26 (24 pgs.) due Tuesday Ch. 27-30 (24 pgs.) due Wednesday Ch. 31-32 (17 pgs.) due Thursday (I know we're on retreat...but make sure they're done by Friday Ch. 33-35 READ IN CLASS FRIDAY AS A READER'S THEATER THING! |
monday, december 15, 2014
agenda |
weekly homework |
1. Work with your partner to build our novel's timeline (papers provided for illustration and summary)
2. Writing seed stories for personal narratives and poetry **short class due to longest assembly ever |
**DO CLEAN UP YOUR NOTEBOOK AND READY IT FOR TURN-IN ON FRIDAY (OR BEFORE YOU LEAVE FOR BREAK!)--I ONLY NEED THE SECOND TRIMESTER STUFF. READING SCHEDULE PART 3 READ AND DOUBLE ENTRY JOURNAL Ch. 24-26 (24 pgs.) due Tuesday Ch. 27-30 (24 pgs.) due Wednesday Ch. 31-32 (17 pgs.) due Thursday (I know we're on retreat...but make sure they're done by Friday Ch. 33-35 READ IN CLASS FRIDAY AS A READER'S THEATER THING! |
friday, december 12, 2014
agenda |
weekly homework |
thursday, december 11, 2014
agenda |
weekly homework |
1. Do Now: No Red Ink Comma Quiz (to see how much you retained)
2. Independent Work *Finish the week's work *Get a head start on tonight's/this weekend's reading and double entry journals *Work on a writing assignment of your choice (write from a seed) |
Ch. 12 and 13 due Tuesday morning (24 pgs.)
Ch. 14, 15, and 16 due Wednesday morning (26 pgs.) Ch. 17, 18, and 19 due Thursday morning (26 pgs.) Ch. 20 and 21 due Friday morning (23 pgs.) **Ch. 22 and 23 due Monday morning (24 pgs.) Blog posts: Advent photo of the day--post and WRITE. Here's an example of how to write about your photo. (See post for Dec. 2 to see the daily themes.) |
wednesday, december 10, 2014 (one hour class)
agenda |
weekly homework |
1. Do Now
2. Commas! Finish notes 3. Independent Work Take a look at the agendas from this week. Work on GREAT stuff. |
Suggested reading schedule for Part 2:
Ch. 12 and 13 due Tuesday morning (24 pgs.) Ch. 14, 15, and 16 due Wednesday morning (26 pgs.) Ch. 17, 18, and 19 due Thursday morning (26 pgs.) Ch. 20 and 21 due Friday morning (23 pgs.) **Ch. 22 and 23 due Monday morning (24 pgs.) Blog posts: Advent photo of the day--post and WRITE. Here's an example of how to write about your photo. (See post for Dec. 2 to see the daily themes.) |
tuesday, december 9, 2014 (one hour class)
agenda |
weekly homework |
1. Do Now
2. Read this and Cornell notes 3. Read this one, too, and Cornell notes 4. Comma Review--compound sentences and comma splices (Notes with Ms. Gunter) 5. Writer's Workshop Group A and B: One group will work with Ms. Gunter while the other group works and then switch 6. Lots of people are missing No Red Ink. Please complete. |
Suggested reading schedule for Part 2:
Ch. 12 and 13 due Tuesday morning (24 pgs.) Ch. 14, 15, and 16 due Wednesday morning (26 pgs.) Ch. 17, 18, and 19 due Thursday morning (26 pgs.) Ch. 20 and 21 due Friday morning (23 pgs.) **Ch. 22 and 23 due Monday morning (24 pgs.) Blog posts: Advent photo of the day--post and WRITE. Here's an example of how to write about your photo. (See post for Dec. 2 to see the daily themes.) |
monday, december 8, 2014
agenda |
weekly homework |
1. Do Now: Respond to the prompt on the right.
2. Centers (15 minutes each)-- A: (table nearest the altar) Read The Good Thief and take notes B: (table nearest the back door) No Red Ink Comma Practice 4 C: (table nearest the printer) DREAM UP Lessons 2 and 3 D: (table in front corner near Ms. Stronks' desk) Interpret the poem "Hope" is a thing with feathers. If you lost the poem, go here. E: (front table in front of the Smartboard) Read this article, take notes, and discuss what this is about, what questions arise, any connections with what we're learning *****Back middle table. Each person picks a group to join. 3. Writer's Workshop (expository essays)--30 minutes Prewrite: Use a graphic organizer (Venn Diagram or T-Notes) that will allow you to write down the key ideas from your notes and that will allow you to organize the information. Draft an essay that addresses one of the following questions: Write an essay to inform readers about St. Anthony and the relationship between this information and Hannah Tinti's The Good Thief. OR Write an essay to inform readers about Catholicism in the 1800s and the relationship between this information and Hannah Tinti's The Good Thief. |
Suggested reading schedule for Part 2:
Ch. 12 and 13 due Tuesday morning (24 pgs.) Ch. 14, 15, and 16 due Wednesday morning (26 pgs.) Ch. 17, 18, and 19 due Thursday morning (26 pgs.) Ch. 20 and 21 due Friday morning (23 pgs.) **Ch. 22 and 23 due Monday morning (24 pgs.) Blog posts: Advent photo of the day--post and WRITE. Here's an example of how to write about your photo. (See post for Dec. 2 to see the daily themes.) |
friday, december 5, 2014
agenda |
weekly homework |
1. Do Now: Title It Later
Listen to this and take Cornell Notes Watch TED Talk and take Cornell notes 2. Finish poster on Benjamin Nab (10 minutes) 3. Fishbowl Listen to this report and continue notes from this morning 4. Turn in notebooks (I'm checking your work from this trimester and entering grades. Woot!) |
We begin with Section 2 next week. You can get a head start if you like.
Story Corps extension through Monday Blog posts: Advent photo of the day--post and WRITE. Here's an example of how to write about your photo. |
thursday, december 4, 2014
agenda |
weekly homework |
1. Do Now: Read article and watch accompanying video and take Cornell notes
And this one, too. 2. Is Benjamin Nab a good man or not? A. Ch. 4 B. Ch. 5 C. Ch. 6 D. Ch. 7 E. Ch. 8 3. Fishbowl: Michael Brown 4. Writer's Workshop: Your Choice Writing Piece *Highlight a sentence using a beginning adjective strategy |
Suggested Reading Schedule:
Ch. 1-3 due Tuesday morning Ch. 4-5 due Wednesday morning (finish up to Ch. 5) Ch. 6-8 due Thursday morning Ch. 9-11 due Friday morning (finish up to Ch. 11) Story Corps due Friday Blog posts: Advent photo of the day--post and WRITE. Here's an example of how to write about your photo. |
wednesday, december 3, 2014
agenda |
weekly homework |
1. Do Now: Watch and take notes
*NY Times photo gallery *NY Times Timeline *Ted Talk 2. Read and take Cornell notes Everyone: Finish yesterday's notes on Ursuline Convent Fire Front side of room: Roman Catholics and Immigration in the 19th Century Back side of room: St. Anthony 3. Writer's Workshop: Your Choice Writing Piece Highlight a sentence where you used |
Suggested Reading Schedule:
Ch. 1-3 due Tuesday morning Ch. 4-5 due Wednesday morning (finish up to Ch. 5) Ch. 6-8 due Thursday morning Ch. 9-11 due Friday morning (finish up to Ch. 11) Story Corps due Friday Blog posts: Advent photo of the day--post and WRITE. Here's an example of how to write about your photo. |
tuesday, december 2, 2014
agenda |
weekly homework |
1. Do Now: Watch and take notes
*Ferguson grand jury ruling (primary source) *Understanding grand jury ruling (secondary source) 2. Read and take Cornell notes Modeling together: Ursuline Convent Fire 3. Your choice: Read and double entry journal No Red Ink Comma Practice 3 STEP UP Lessons 2 and 3 "Hope" is the thing with feathers poem |
Suggested Reading Schedule:
Ch. 1-3 due Tuesday morning Ch. 4-5 due Wednesday morning (finish up to Ch. 5) Ch. 6-8 due Thursday morning Ch. 9-11 due Friday morning (finish up to Ch. 11) Story Corps due Friday Blog posts: Advent photo of the day--post and WRITE. Here's an example of how to write about your photo. |
monday, december 1, 2014
agenda |
weekly homework |
1. Do Now: Write one thing YOU can do to prepare for the coming of Christ. (i.e. What gift will you offer Jesus for his birthday?)
2. Notes on Tone 3. Stations A Read and do double entry journal B No Red Ink C STEP UP Lesson 1 D "Taught Me Purple" poem 4. Identity Webs |
Suggested Reading Schedule:
Ch. 1-3 due Tuesday morning Ch. 4-5 due Wednesday morning (finish up to Ch. 5) Ch. 6-8 due Thursday morning Ch. 9-11 due Friday morning (finish up to Ch. 11) Story Corps due Friday Blog posts: Advent photo of the day--post and WRITE. Here's an example of how to write about your photo. |
tuesday, november 25, 2014
agenda |
weekly homework |
1. Do Now: Gather in a circle around the words. Pick three words that resonate with you and reflect on how you are connecting with those words.
2. Communication and Identity: "I am" activity 3. Dream Up *Read through the guidelines of the contest. *Do Lesson 1 4. Reader's Workshop *Finish annotating the excerpt from The Chocolate War (the one about the kid on the football field.) On Post It notes, write the MOOD that is created by the author's word choice, sensory imagery, and figurative language. Attach Post Its onto the annotated story and turn in to the bin. *Read and comment on the Blog posts of all the members in your group. |
UPCOMING Starting Dec. 1: Have a hard copy or digital copy of both Peak by Roland Smith and The Good Thief by Hannah Tinti. Bring Peak Dec. 1. Dec. 5: Story Corps audio published on your PLP to share with others for gallery walk |
monday, november 24, 2014
agenda |
weekly homework |
1. Do Now Prompt
2. Communication and Identity Whole Group Exercise and Reflection *Whole Group Exercise and Reflection (Who Am I Now?) *Building a Wall *Dream Up (Who Do I Want to Be?) *Contest! *Lesson 1 3. Writer's Workshop *Independent Workshop * PLPs (should have AT LEAST one blog entry by tomorrow morning)--see homework *Advice Poem *Writing Model: "Hairs" or "My Name" *Story Corps *prep work for interview includes list of people, list of questions *make sure you have the right equipment, and maybe test your recording function on your device on a teacher or classmate to ensure you're ready for your interview(s). (You may interview more than one person and showcase the best one(s)) 4. Reader's Workshop *Finish annotating excerpt from The Chocolate War for imagery, figurative language, strong verbs, and strong adjectives *Poetry |
Gobble! Gobble! Tweet!
Imagine you are the Thanksgiving turkey. It is your good fortune to discover that the Farmer accidentally left the door to the house ajar. You sneak in unnoticed. Quickly, you find the computer and login toTwitter. You have just enough time to type five tweets. What will you say to your followers in no more than 140 characters per tweet? |
Monday due Tuesday:
*PLPs completed, so we can start feedback tomorrow, including commenting on people's blog posts (have at least ONE blog post. If you did not do one last week, your blog post has to be about the one below.) *Find a recent news article or news clip related to stereotypes and write a blog post that summarizes it and demonstrates your insight on stereotypes, identity, and communication. UPCOMING Starting Dec. 1: Have a hard copy or digital copy of both Peak by Roland Smith and The Good Thief by Hannah Tinti Dec. 5: Story Corps audio published on your PLP to share with others for gallery walk |
friday, november 21, 2014
mock trial! pics posted soon!
thursday, november 20, 2014
agenda |
weekly homework |
1. Do Now
2. TTH Mock Trial *Practice with your group *Make sure you are all on the same page, so it looks like you're a team 3. Writer's Workshop *Professional Learning Portfolios *Advice Poem *Writing Model: "Hairs" or "My Name" *Story Corps *prep work for interview includes list of people, list of questions *make sure you have the right equipment, and maybe test your recording function on your device on a teacher or classmate to ensure you're ready for your interview(s). (You may interview more than one person and showcase the best one(s)) 4. Reader's Workshop |
Monday-Thursday (15 minutes each night):
Prepare for trial by writing up your part so that you can participate in Friday's mock trial. Rehearse your part. Dress professionally for the occasion. WEAR SOMETHING YOU ALREADY HAVE OR BORROW FROM YOUR FAMILY. DO NOT BUY ANYTHING TO WEAR BECAUSE YOUR PARENTS ARE PROBABLY PLANNING ON GETTING YOU A SUIT/DRESS IN SPRING FOR GRADUATION. Bring your uniform as you'll be changing after class. DUE FRIDAY! UPCOMING Starting Dec. 1: Have a hard copy or digital copy of both Peak by Roland Smith and The Good Thief by Hannah Tinti Dec. 5: Story Corps audio published on your PLP to share with others for gallery walk |
wednesday, november 19, 2014
Monday-Thursday (15 minutes each night):
Prepare for trial by writing up your part so that you can participate in Friday's mock trial. Rehearse your part. Dress professionally for the occasion. WEAR SOMETHING YOU ALREADY HAVE OR BORROW FROM YOUR FAMILY. DO NOT BUY ANYTHING TO WEAR BECAUSE YOUR PARENTS ARE PROBABLY PLANNING ON GETTING YOU A SUIT/DRESS IN SPRING FOR GRADUATION. Bring your uniform as you'll be changing after class. DUE FRIDAY! Monday-Wednesday (15 minutes each night): Set up PLP. Have home page and tabs for Weekly Blog, Writing Pieces, Audiovisual Pieces. You DO NOT have to post your advice poem and figurative language expository piece on PLP due to no class Wednesday because of field trip. DUE THURSDAY! SEND ME THE URL FOR YOUR PLP! UPCOMING Starting Dec. 1: Have a hard copy or digital copy of both Peak by Roland Smith and The Good Thief by Hannah Tinti Dec. 5: Story Corps audio published on your PLP to share with others for gallery walk |
tuesday, november 18, 2014
agenda |
weekly homework |
1. Do Now: Write down the essential questions for this trimester's first unit.Write an expository piece that answers/addresses one or more of the essential questions.
2. TTH Prosecution and Defense Teams/Communication Activity (Rotation) Group 1 *Check-in with your group on your progress. Each person takes a turn sharing what they have so far. *Work on your part. Group 2 *Communication Activity (need a pencil and hard surface to write on) 3. Reader's Workshop (Figurative Language, Mood, and Tone) *"My Name" from House on Mango Street by Sandra Cisneros 4. Writer's Workshop *Set up your Professional Learning Portfolio (PLP). You may add a page to current Weebly or create a new website. You can use any platform (e.g. Weebly, Wix, Googlesites). *NEW Weebly for iPad Peruse through last year's Professional Learning Portfolios to get ideas. Here are the guidelines. Guidelines are also below. *Advice Poem *Your own expository piece modeled after one of the Cisneros excerpts |
Monday-Thursday (15 minutes each night):
Prepare for trial by writing up your part so that you can participate in Friday's mock trial. Rehearse your part. Dress professionally for the occasion. WEAR SOMETHING YOU ALREADY HAVE OR BORROW FROM YOUR FAMILY. DO NOT BUY ANYTHING TO WEAR BECAUSE YOUR PARENTS ARE PROBABLY PLANNING ON GETTING YOU A SUIT/DRESS IN SPRING FOR GRADUATION. Bring your uniform as you'll be changing after class. Monday-Wednesday (15 minutes each night): Set up PLP. Advice poem and figurative language expository piece due Thursday published on your PLP. UPCOMING Starting Dec. 1: Have a hard copy or digital copy of both Peak by Roland Smith and The Good Thief by Hannah Tinti Dec. 5: Story Corps audio published on your PLP to share with others for gallery walk |
monday, november 17, 2014
agenda |
weekly homework |
1. Do Now: Videos about prosecution, defense, and basic legal terms. Videos will remain posted for reference.
Opening Statement. Closing Statement. Basics of Mock Trial 2. TTH Prosecution and Defense Teams *Need a copy of the story and your essay *Plan your strategy *Assign roles (opening statement, presentation of evidence/reasons, closing statement) 3. Reader's Workshop (Figurative Language, Mood, and Tone) *"Hairs" from House on Mango Street by Sandra Cisneros |
Monday-Thursday (15 minutes each night):
Prepare for trial by writing up your part so that you can participate in Friday's mock trial. Rehearse your part. Dress for the occasion. Bring your uniform as you'll be changing after class. Monday-Wednesday (15 minutes each night): Set up PLP. Advice poem and figurative language expository piece due Thursday published on your PLP. UPCOMING Starting Dec. 1: Have a hard copy or digital copy of both Peak by Roland Smith and The Good Thief by Hannah Tinti Dec. 5: Story Corps audio published on your PLP to share with others for gallery walk Below is a funny infographic, but for more serious info, consider these tips:
Bookbaby Blog The Write Angle |